Saturday, November 22, 2008

Will Micheal Vick Return To The NFL?

The answer to this question is mostly likely, Yes. He is still under contract with the Atlanta Falcons and hasn't been banned from playing in the NFL. So, why wouldn't he come back? I'm sure after spending 23 months in prison he will probably need a job when he comes out and some money. He is still young enough to where he can come back and play. It may take a some time for him to get back into shape to play at the NFL level, but I think he could get there in time.

It will be interesting to see if he comes back and if he does where he will go. Will he stay in Atlanta and play back up to Matt Ryan or will Atlanta trade him?

If Atlanta was to keep Vick I think it would be a good thing. Yes, they have a young quarterback that they drafted to come in and be the new face of the franchise, but Vick brings something Matt Ryan doesn't, making play's with his feet. The could do a two quarterback playbook. Mix things up a little. Michael Vick can throw the ball and make plays with his feet so bring him into a game would confuse the defense because they don't know if he is going to run the ball or throw it deep.

But if the Falcons were to trade Vick I could see why they would.

I'm sure the Falcons could get someone of value for Vick. I could see them trading him because they don't want his baggage about the whole dog fighting thing to come back to the franchise when their thing to move forward from that. Also they have a young quarterback in Matt Ryan and maybe they wouldn't want to change the offense to suit Vick and Ryan. Michael Vick has played in the NFL and could give Ryan some pointer, but their two different kinds of quarterback plus Vick hasn't been in the league for two years so I'm not sure how much of a help he would be to Matt Ryan.

Either way it will be interesting to see rather they decide to give Vick another chance or they tell him to take a hike.

Photo's courtesy of Jonathan Ernst / Getty Images  and Jim McIsaac / Getty Images

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Titans road to Perfection: Week 15-17

If the Titans are still undefeated at this point in the season they are only halfway through the 6 games they have left and still have two tough game ahead of them. 

Week 15: Houston Texans

Here is another one of the easier games that the Titans have left. It still won't be a game that will be a piece of cake. The longer the Titans stay undefeated the bigger the target on their back gets. Every team they have left to play will be looking to hand them their first lose and the Texans will be no different.

Week 16: Pittsburgh Steelers

This will probably be the most difficult game they have left. The Steelers have lost some tough games and have had some injuries that have caused them to have the tough loses. If they are healthy  on week 16 then this will be the toughest game the Titans will have to play. I expect them to lose this game.

Week 17: Indianapolis Colts

This will be another tough game. By week 17 if the Colts are healthy then this will be another game I think the Titans will lose. The Colts have been struggling this year and as the season has progressed they are looking to find the right recipe to win. By week 17 I think they will have it all figured out. This will be the last big test the Titans have before the playoffs start.

The road to perfection will not be easy. They have some tough games left and I just don't think their team is that good. They will however make it to the playoffs and could hve a good shot at the SuperBowl, but I don't think they can beat the tough NFC team that will be in the Super Bowl.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Titans Road To Perfection: Week 12-14

The Tennessee Titans are 10-0. They are looking to do what only two other teams have done, '72 Dolphins and '07 Patriots, and thats go undefeated for the regular season. There are 6 games left before they can join these two teams and they still have some tough games to get through. 

Week 12: New York Jets

The Jets are 7-3 and are playing way better than they were at the beginning of the season. Their defense is stepping up and Brett Farve is looking more and more comfortable with the play book. Their running game has also picked up which makes it easier for Farve to throw with play action. This won't be the toughest game that the Titans have to get through, but I would rank it at the 3rd hardest of the 6 left and one they could lose. 

Week 13: Detroit Lions

On paper, on TV, on Madden 09, on anything you can look at about this game it looks like the easiest game that the Titans have left, but we all know how undefeated teams play. This should be the easiest game and will be if the Titans prepare for it and don't take it as just playing a winless team. If they play the Lions as though they were another unbeaten team then the Titans will have no trouble with winning the game.

Week 14: Cleveland Browns

I think 3 weeks from now the Cleveland Browns will be a better team. 3 more weeks for Brady Quinn to get comfortable and the offense to get things going. If the Browns can get things going then this could be an interesting game. This is another game that the Titans have to come prepared for or they could end up losing it. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Will Jimmie Johnson Stop At 3?

By finishing 15th in Sunday's race at Homestead, Jimmie Johnson clinches his 3rd straight Sprint Cup Championship. This puts Johnson in a class that is only shared by one other man, Cale Yarborough. A record that he held by himself for 30 years.


Will Jimmie Johnson stop at 3 Sprint Cup Championship? Winning one is difficult, and two is even harder(not to mention back to back), and 3(in a row) is almost unheard of. There are only three drivers who have more than 3 Sprint Cup Championships, Jeff Gordon(4), Richard Petty(7), and Dale Earnhardt(7). Jimmie Johnson is just one away from tying his teammate and half car owner Jeff Gordon at four and has been racing a shorter time than Gordon has. With his talent I'm sure Johnson will win a 4th championship.

There's actually no doubt in my mind that he has the talent and the team to win one more if not a couple of more. But what about a 4 peat? Can he put himself in a class of his own and do something that no one has ever done before?

He obivously has the talent and the team to win a championship. I understand every year is different and anything can happen race to race, but I'm not going to rule out a 4 peat until it is impossible.

I'm not even a Jimmie Johnson fan, but I'm a sports fan and what he is doing, has done, and can do for NASCAR is great.

If Johnson doesn't win a 4th Sprint Cup Championship in a row or a 4th one in his career he will still be remembered for what he has done in the 06-08 seasons and winning 3 straight Sprint Cup Championships.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

When will the Yankee's learn?

Every year it's the same thing. The Yankee's offer the top free agents more money than some teams spend for all their players. It's ridiculous.

When will the Yankee's learn? That just because you have a lot of high paid players that it doesn't mean you're going to win. I mean money does buy talent, but thats not all that goes into winning. You can have a team full of talented players and if their not playing at their best level then you're not going to win a Championship.

With the team the Yankee's have they should be in the playoffs every year(which 99% of the time they are) but they should also win the World Series. With the amount of money they spend on players I just can't believe that they don't win the World Series every year. Maybe they should spend some of that money on motivation.

I don't know if it's just me, but the Yankee's are just making baseball all about money. I understand good players deserve good money, but what happens after a couple of years playing for the Yankee's making 25 million dollars a year and now they have to find a new team. If a team wants to sign them they have to match what the Yankee's are paying or more. I mean what the Yankee's pay one of their player's could be spent on 2 or 3 decent players instead of one good player.

We all can say the Yankee's have a good team every year and I would agree because they do have a good team every year. It's because they can have what ever player they want with the amount of money their willing to throw around.

Still year after year as they have found out the past 7 years that money doesn't buy Championships. It can get you the players you need, but it won't make them play as hard as they can. They get paid $25 million rather they win or not. 

But I won't say the Yankee's players don't want to win because as an Athlete myself I always want to win so I'm sure they do too. I just think that that type of money does something to players mentally that makes them not perform as good as they did when they were making 16 million a year.

I say to the Yankee's, "Stop spending so much money, unless you're going to win".

Friday, November 14, 2008

Superman of the NBA

Dwight Howard is making his presense felt in the NBA. He is easily one of the best, if not the best, big man in the league playing right now. He is dominant on offense and defense. He gets offensive and defensive rebounds. He scores and stops other players from scoring. The best part of all is he is still young and has time to get better.

Howard doesn't play for the best team, but he has become the face of the team he plays for, the Orlando Magic. He is a player that you can build a team around. He is a player that will give you 20 points a night, 10 rebounds, and a couple blocks. He is young and athletic which is what you want when trying to build a team.

So how did he get the nickname Superman? Well he owe's that to the Slam Dunk contest, which he won during the 2007-08 season. But you could also give him that name for what he does on the court night in and night out. He's always flying through the air either dunking in people's faces or swatting balls out the air.

Dwight Howard is a player that gets it done. In a league that is full of superstars a team has to have atleast one to compete with other teams. The Magic have one and if they had another one they would be a real threat in the east. Great teams always have two players that can get it done. Michael Jordan had Scotty Pippen. Kobe Bryant had Shaq. The Big three have Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen. 

There are players like Howard who haven't found there Kobe or Jordan yet. Labron James is a good example. He is a talented player. One of the best in the league, but he doesn't have a Kobe or Jordan. Thats why he hasn't won a Championship yet. Its just matter of time before Howard and Labron find their Jordan's or Kobe's.

Dwight Howard is a name you know and a name you will remember later.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

8 Western Conference Teams You'll See Around Playoff Time

I know it's still early in the season and there no telling what can happen from today to tomorrow, but I made a list about the eastern conference teams so I had to make one for the western conference as well. So here it is.

1. LA Lakers
2. Utah Jazz
3. Portland Trailblazers
4. Phoenix Suns
5. New Orleans Hornets
6. Houston Rockets
7. Dallas Mavericks
8. Denver Nuggets

1. LA Lakers - This is a team that I thought was good last year and think is even better this year. They did fall short last season in the finals, but they now have Andrew Bynum back and he's healthy. He will give an extra presents in the paint that they didn't have last year. I wouldn't be surprised to see them in the finals again.

2. Utah Jazz - This was a strong team last year. They made the playoffs, but fell short before the finals. I think they can make it there again this year. Deron Williams is becoming a great point guard and he is making the players around him better as well.

3. Portland Trailblazers - This is another young team that is trying to find its self in the western conference. They got back a big missing piece of the puzzel this year when Greg Odem came back. Now I know he hasn't gotten to play but 13 minutes but when he comes back healthy look for him to step up and be the main star on this team.

4. Phoenix Suns - A team that went out early in the playoffs last year, but could make it back there again. They have an offense that can score and they have some young feet to put on the floor off the bench for aging players like Shaq.

5. New Orleans Hornets - This is a young and talented team. They have a great point guard in Chris Paul. He is a scorer and an assist machine. He make the other players around him better like all point guards should do. Watch this team make it to the playoffs again.

6. Houston Rockets - This is a team that can make the playoffs, but can't do much when they get there. They added Ron Artest who they hope will give them the extra piece they were missing to make it past the first round of the playoffs.

7. Dallas Mavericks - Another team that was in the playoffs last year and could make it there again. Their not that young of a team, but they still have talent. They have an aging point guard in Jason Kidd, but he can still get the job done. This team will probably make it to the playoffs, but I don't expect them to do much.

8. Denver Nuggets - This is a team that could make it to the playoffs. They made a big trade that sent Allen Iverson to Detroit and brought Chauncy Billips and Antonio McDyss to the team. This team won't do much if they make it to the playoffs.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

8 Eastern Conference Teams You'll See Around Playoff Time

It's a long way until the playoffs and there are many things that can go wrong and cause a team to collapse and not make the playoffs. There is also a lot of things that can make a team who wouldn't normally make the playoffs, make the playoffs. In this post I will list the 8 Easten Conference teams I think will be around come playoff time.

1. Boston Celtics
2. Toronto Rapters
3. Atlanta Hawks
4. Cleveland Cavaliers
5. Detroit Pistons
6. Miami Heat
7. Chicago Bulls
8. Orlando Magic

1. Boston Celtics - This team has a real good chance to repeat. The Big 3 are back and healthy and Rajan Rondo is getting better at point guard. Even if one of the Big 3 were to get hurt they have the depth on the bench to replace the injured player until they return.

2. Toronto Rapters - This team was a playoffs team last season and has a very good chance to making it there again. They added Jermaine O'Neal and they still have Chris Bosh. A player who can score 20 points a game and grab 10 rebounds. 

3. Atlant Hawks - This is another team that was in the playoffs last season. This is a young and talented team. They have one more year of experience  and could go deep into the playoffs this season.

4. Cleveland Cavaliers - Once again this is a team that made it to the playoffs last season. The only thing I have to say about this team is Labron James. As long as this team has him they will be a playoff team.

5. Detroit Pistons - Another playoff team. After a big early in the season trade to bring Allen Iverson to the team this team is looking to get back to the playoffs. This traded added Iverson who ranks 3rd in points averaged a game in NBA history. 

6. Miami Heat - This was not a playoff team last season. Dwayne Wade was hurt and the team was not playing well. Now Wade is healthy and they have added some young and talented players to the team. The #2 pick Michael Beasley and the number #34 pick Mario Chambers in this years draft. Look for this team to get better as the season progresses.

7. Chicago Bulls - This is a team that has had some talent on it for a couple of years, but haven't find a way to use it. They added #1 pick Derrick Rose to the team to be the full time PG. This will help the team from switching point guard ever other game. Watch this team come together and look strong as the year goes on.

8. Orlando Magic - This was a playoff team last year and will be this year too. They have a dominant center in Dwight Howard. He will get you a double-double almost every night. If he stays healthy this team will have no problem making it to the playoffs.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Jimmie Johnson One Step Closer To A Three Peat

With his win at Pheonix International Speedway he is now 141 point ahead Carl Edwards. Now he's one race away from sealing the deal and becoming one of the few people to win three titles in a row.

By clinching the pole sunday, Johnson put himself in a good position to finish well. He had finished 4th in 2006 and won the race last year and with this win he now makes it three years in a row of finishing 4th or better. 

If Jimmie Johnson holds on to his 141 point lead he will become the first driver since Cale Yarborough to win three Championships in a row. Yarborough did it in 1976-78. It has been 30 years since a drive has accomplished a feat like this.

If winning two Championships in a row hasn't put Johnson in NASCAR history forever then a thrid one in a row will without a doubt. Johnson's team will have a chance to do it again next year too. This is a good team. They have a good driver and crew chief and don't forget about the pit crew who are the one's that get the car on the track.

One more race. Anything can happen. Can Johnson hold on to his lead and win his third Championship in a row or will something happen and Carl Edwards can make a crazy comeback.