Friday, November 14, 2008

Superman of the NBA

Dwight Howard is making his presense felt in the NBA. He is easily one of the best, if not the best, big man in the league playing right now. He is dominant on offense and defense. He gets offensive and defensive rebounds. He scores and stops other players from scoring. The best part of all is he is still young and has time to get better.

Howard doesn't play for the best team, but he has become the face of the team he plays for, the Orlando Magic. He is a player that you can build a team around. He is a player that will give you 20 points a night, 10 rebounds, and a couple blocks. He is young and athletic which is what you want when trying to build a team.

So how did he get the nickname Superman? Well he owe's that to the Slam Dunk contest, which he won during the 2007-08 season. But you could also give him that name for what he does on the court night in and night out. He's always flying through the air either dunking in people's faces or swatting balls out the air.

Dwight Howard is a player that gets it done. In a league that is full of superstars a team has to have atleast one to compete with other teams. The Magic have one and if they had another one they would be a real threat in the east. Great teams always have two players that can get it done. Michael Jordan had Scotty Pippen. Kobe Bryant had Shaq. The Big three have Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen. 

There are players like Howard who haven't found there Kobe or Jordan yet. Labron James is a good example. He is a talented player. One of the best in the league, but he doesn't have a Kobe or Jordan. Thats why he hasn't won a Championship yet. Its just matter of time before Howard and Labron find their Jordan's or Kobe's.

Dwight Howard is a name you know and a name you will remember later.

1 comment:

Kyle Flip said...

Dwight Howard is the best center in the game today, and he's still young. He will be bringing in boards for years to come and he will continue to be a down low threat.