Saturday, November 15, 2008

When will the Yankee's learn?

Every year it's the same thing. The Yankee's offer the top free agents more money than some teams spend for all their players. It's ridiculous.

When will the Yankee's learn? That just because you have a lot of high paid players that it doesn't mean you're going to win. I mean money does buy talent, but thats not all that goes into winning. You can have a team full of talented players and if their not playing at their best level then you're not going to win a Championship.

With the team the Yankee's have they should be in the playoffs every year(which 99% of the time they are) but they should also win the World Series. With the amount of money they spend on players I just can't believe that they don't win the World Series every year. Maybe they should spend some of that money on motivation.

I don't know if it's just me, but the Yankee's are just making baseball all about money. I understand good players deserve good money, but what happens after a couple of years playing for the Yankee's making 25 million dollars a year and now they have to find a new team. If a team wants to sign them they have to match what the Yankee's are paying or more. I mean what the Yankee's pay one of their player's could be spent on 2 or 3 decent players instead of one good player.

We all can say the Yankee's have a good team every year and I would agree because they do have a good team every year. It's because they can have what ever player they want with the amount of money their willing to throw around.

Still year after year as they have found out the past 7 years that money doesn't buy Championships. It can get you the players you need, but it won't make them play as hard as they can. They get paid $25 million rather they win or not. 

But I won't say the Yankee's players don't want to win because as an Athlete myself I always want to win so I'm sure they do too. I just think that that type of money does something to players mentally that makes them not perform as good as they did when they were making 16 million a year.

I say to the Yankee's, "Stop spending so much money, unless you're going to win".


Unknown said...

I totally agree. "Moneyball," as they call it, is not necessarily the way to a Championship Ring, though it did seem like the Red Sox bought their way out of the Curse of the Bambino.

To Bertman's point, look at teams like the Devil Rays and, in the past, the Florida Marlins. When it comes down to it, what matters is playing as a team and playing motivated. That's what coaches and fans are there for.

One of the problems the Yankees have EVERY year, no matter what, is scrutiny. Scrutiny from the fans, scrutiny from the media, and often times, scrutiny from upper management. All of this scrutiny is counter-productive to creating a winning environment. Add to that the ridiculous amounts of money each player is being paid, and you get Bertman's premise, that the motivation just isn't there, which is spot on.

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